After moving back to North LA in mid-2020, I began working for myself - taking on whatever work I could find (sometimes not too glamorous!). In October 2020, my brother gave me a phone call and asked if I would be interested in helping him out at his woodshop in Monroe, @OuachitaAntiqueWoods - He was short handed, overbooked and needed help getting caught up. He also had some big plans for the coming year, with intentions to open a new Boutique storefront. I was happy to help out with his business and get to spend time in the wood shop.
Over the course of the next year, we worked together to catch up on work load, in the process getting the shop reorganized and renovated. Then hired on 2 new employees that have both become integral to the operation and began design and building the store. In October 2021 we opened the new storefront.
See images of the finished OA Woods Store, of which many building components were built in-house by us at the woodshop - as well as all the furniture for sale! These pictures are from opening week - the interior is continuously being updated as pieces come and go!
Also see video from our “Ribbon” cutting!
See more work from OA Woods shop on their website, Woodshop instagram or Store Instagram and see more of my work from my time there on the ‘Furniture’ page of this site!